Sunday, July 31, 2011

[that's what I love about Sunday's]

Sunday is typically our family dinner day. We all get together for dinner and naturally nobody cares if anybody else is coming they all just want to make sure B is. He's the family favorite. B loves the attention too. I'm so blessed with such an amazing family and couldn't ask for a better little man.

Saturday, June 4, 2011

[ohhh yeahh]

So one of my guilty pleasures is watching The Jersey Shore. I love that show & everyone on it. I find the slang they say to be very amusing & just the way the act is too. Apparently B has picked up some notes from watching with me and let me see his Jersey Shore face.

Brody...The "Mini" Situation. 


Friday, June 3, 2011


Any mother, parent, child who does not have a jumperoo seriously needs to get one. At 4 months Brody started using his jumperoo. It is my favorite toy of his. He has an absolute ball in his jumperoo. He jumps his little heart out. He plays with his toys, screams [for fun], jumps, glides, holds his little feet up so he glides faster, laughs & smiles the whole time. I definitely think it's safe to say B's jumperoo is his fave toy too. 

Boo watches B in his jumperoo...

B stops for a pic in his jumperoo...

And watches Uncle Kev play the guitar in his jumperoo! 

Life is good :)

[valentines day]

This is our first Valentines Day together. B is my main man...and my little love bug!

[rice & cereal, cereal & rice]

B got to try rice cereal. At first, he wasn't a fan. Who is? But it didn't take him long to get the idea of the spoon and what to do with the food once it's in his mouth. Of course I got some hilarious video's. Thank you Brody for being so stinkin' adorable. Here are some pictures from the moment.

[the highchair]

B is finally ready for the highchair! He can hold his head up so well and it's time for him to start trying to rice cereal. I know it's not the best tasting stuff but it's very exciting because this is the beginning to all the foods he's about to experience. I put the highchair together by my self - thank you - and B watched me and laughed in excitement. Here is B trying out his new seat...

I think he likes it. Now let's eat!

[4 months]

My little man is now 4 months old. Time is flying and it's amazing how much he grows each day & how quickly. No teeth yet but still drooling like crazy. He loves his feet. I do too. They're so cute. When I put his little feet on my face he curls his little toes. It is so funny. The sleeping through the night didn't last long. But it's okay. He still wakes up 1-2 times. But I can't complain because he just wakes up to eat then it's right back to sleep. If he doesn't fall asleep in the middle of his bottle. Maybe one day!