Friday, June 3, 2011

[time is flying by]

I cannot believe Brody will be 4 months on Monday. Feels like time is flying by now that he’s doing so much more. When he was a month old it didn’t seem that way but now it does. This past week B found his feet. He plays with them all the time now. Keeps him very occupied! He also tries to grab things with his feet. It’s kind of funny. It’s like overnight he got even more flexible then he already was and his feet can reach up to his face. He’s getting his coordination down with getting his hands on them still. It’s so cute.

And any day now he will be rolling over. He can get to his side but not all the way. Now that he’s got the feet thing down though I think that gives him more momentum. He does great on his tummy time. His arms are getting so strong and he can hold his head up on his own. No more bobbling. And he’s drooling a lot, trying to put anything in his mouth. So I think it’s safe to say he’s teething. He’s hitting all the milestones right on target! I’m so proud.

And another plus he is sleeping through the night. We’re 3 nights in a row now. So exciting. I’m so blessed to have a baby who loves to sleep :)

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